Restrict fresh fruits and make sure they are properly washed or peeled. Here are five (5) nursing care plans (NCP) and nursing diagnosis for patients with leukemia: The care plan for patients with leukemia should be emphasized on comfort, minimize the adverse effects of chemotherapy, promote preservation of veins, manage complications, and provide teaching and psychological support. As the normal cells are replaced by leukemic cells, anemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia occur. In leukemia, many immature or ineffective WBCs crowd out the developing normal cells.
All blood cells begin as immature cells (blasts or stem cells) that differentiate and mature into RBCs, platelets, and various types of WBCs.
Leukemia is a malignant proliferation of white blood cell precursors in bone marrow or lymph tissue and their accumulation in peripheral blood, bone marrow, and body tissues. The blood’s cellular components originate primarily in the marrow of bones such as the sternum, iliac crest, and cranium.